
the tool allows a user to annotate media recordings, possibly (semi-) automatic


Enhancement of the multimedia annotation tool ELAN and the accompanying ANNEX browser to create an appropriate multilayer visualization of multilayer collocates, that significantly expands the search options.


With this web-application an end user can have historical Dutch texts tokenized, lemmatized and part-of-speech tagged, using the most appropriate resources (such as lexica) for the text in question. For each specific text, the user can select the best resources from those available in CLARIN, wherever they might reside, and where necessary supplemented by own lexica.


A corpus of 250 interviews from the Living Oral History Workbench enriched with commentary in the Oral History Annotation tool, developed by the Centre for Language and Speech Technology (CLST) at the Radboud University Nijmegen. All 250 interviews are searchable through a fragment finder and can be annotated. These annotations can be shared with other researchers, making the interviews available and easier accessible for a much wider range of researchers in the humanities in general and in linguistics in particular. The Annotation Tool is only available for scientific research and only after approval by the Veterans Institute.


The Transcription Quality Evaluation tool can be used to check the quality of phonetic transcription. The only thing the researcher has to do is upload pairs of files consisting of an audio file and a transcription file. After uploading he’ll receive an e-mail with the matching output.


The AAM-LR web service helps researchers to annotate audio- and video-recordings. At the top level the service marks the time intervals at which specific persons in the recording are speaking. In addition, the service provides a global phonetic annotation, using language independent phone models and phonetic features. Speech is separated from speaker noises such as laughing. The output of the web service is fed into the ELAN/ANNEX editor, to facilitate further manual annotation. The annotations conform to ISOCat and potential new categories were added to ISOCat.
