



The OpenConvert tools convert to TEI or FOLiA from a number of input formats (alto, text, word, HTML, ePub). The tools are available as a Java command line tool, a web service and a web application.




AutoSearch allows users to upload corpora annotated at the token level for (extended) part of speech, lemma and word form in FoLiA or




The MIMORE tool enables researchers to investigate morphosyntactic variation in the Dutch dialects by searching three related databases with a common on-line search engine. The three databases involved are also available as XML: DynaSAND (the dynamic syntactic atlas of the Dutch dialects), DiDDD (Diversity in Dutch DP Design) and GTRP (Goeman, Taeldeman, van Reenen Project).


SHEBANQ: System for HEBrew Text: ANnotations for Queries and Markup


The WIVU Hebrew Text Database contains the Hebrew text of the Old Testament enriched with many linguistic features at the morpheme level up to the discourse level.

Cornetto Data

Cornetto is a lexical resource for the Dutch language which combines two resources with different semantic organisations: the Dutch Wordnet with its synset organisation and the Dutch Reference Lexicon which includes definitions, usage constraints, selectional restrictions, syntactic behaviours, illustrative contexts, etc. The Cornetto database contains over 92K lemmas and almost 120K word meanings.

GrNe Data

Online dictionary (ancient) Greek - Dutch for the letter Pi. Search functions include searches for Greek lemmata; search of Greek declined or conjugated word-forms that lead to the correct lemma (‘lemmatizer’); searches for Dutch words leading to different Greek lemmata; etymological searches. The dictionary is linked to Logeion, the international website of Greek dictionaries at the University of Chicago. The developers estimate that a complete version of the dictionary will be finished by the end of 2015 and that it will be published by the end of 2016.


FESLI: Functional elements in Specific Language Impairment


A corpus with data from monolingual and bilingual children (Dutch - Turkish) with and without Specific Language Impairment (SLI).


The FESLI-data come from two NWO-sponsored projects: BiSLI and Variflex. The numbers of children included in the resources are:


A corpus of 250 interviews from the Living Oral History Workbench enriched with commentary in the Oral History Annotation tool, developed by the Centre for Language and Speech Technology (CLST) at the Radboud University Nijmegen. All 250 interviews are searchable through a fragment finder and can be annotated. These annotations can be shared with other researchers, making the interviews available and easier accessible for a much wider range of researchers in the humanities in general and in linguistics in particular. The Annotation Tool is only available for scientific research and only after approval by the Veterans Institute.


DUELME is an electronic lexicon that contains more than 5,000 Dutch multiword expressions (MWEs). The DUELME lexicon is suitable for theoretical research on multiword expressions as well as for use in NLP systems. Multiword expressions with similar syntactic patterns are grouped in equivalence classes. Semantic restrictions on variable arguments are encoded.


The Dictionary of the Frisian Language (Wurdboek fan de Fryske Taal) is online available via the GTB dictionary web application. The GTB also holds other major Dutch historical dictionaries, such as the Dictionary of Old Dutch (ONW), the Dictionary of early Middle Dutch (VMNW), the Dictionary of Middle Dutch (MNW), and the Dictionary of the Dutch language (WNT). The digital surrounding enables extensive forms of free and structured search queries, including comparative studies with Dutch materials.
