POS tagging

the tool is for tagging texts with Part of Speech tags


Nederlab, online laboratory for humanities research on Dutch text collections


A user-friendly and tool-enriched open access web interface that that aims at containing all digitized texts relevant for the Dutch national heritage and the history of Dutch language and culture (c. 800 - present).




The OpenConvert tools convert to TEI or FOLiA from a number of input formats (alto, text, word, HTML, ePub). The tools are available as a Java command line tool, a web service and a web application.


TTNWW integrates and makes available existing Language Technology (LT) software components for the Dutch language that have been developed in the STEVIN and CGN projects. The LT components are made available as web-services in a simplified workflow system that enables researchers without much technical background to use standard LT workflow recipes. The web services are available in two separate domains: "Text" and "Speech" processing. The TTNWW services have been created in a Dutch and Flemish collaboration project building on the results of past Dutch and Flemish projects. The web services are partly deployed in the SURF-SARA BiG-Grid cloud or at CLARIN centres in the Netherlands and at CLARIN VL University partners.


With this web-application an end user can have historical Dutch texts tokenized, lemmatized and part-of-speech tagged, using the most appropriate resources (such as lexica) for the text in question. For each specific text, the user can select the best resources from those available in CLARIN, wherever they might reside, and where necessary supplemented by own lexica.